Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Time to trim the fat

Its time for me to loose, weight. I will keep everyone posted here on what I am doing and how the process is going.

Current activity level:

1 hour of football once per week.
1 hour of full court basketball 2 times per week.
laying on the couch multiple hours multiple times per week.

Current food intake:
multiple sodas, large amounts of meat, little vegetables.

Weight 293 pounds give or take (used a crappy scale)

How I feel:

I played basketball today, this is the 3rd time since Monday that I have played. Monday was really good, I had a lot of energy so my defense was good, I was hitting my shots and my post moves were unstoppable. Tuesday my lower back was in serious pain after about 1/2 of the first game. I stayed and continued to play another 2 or 3 games until I really couldn't move anymore. Today however I was very winded only moments after starting the first game. And my back hurt! I only played 1 game today and then I came home. I haven't done any weight lifting for a while, but I think tomorrow I am going to have to as for some reason my body has not healed.

I think it is going to be very hard for me to eat healthy, its too expensive, and the rest of my family dose not want to eat my healthy stuff. Also healthy foods take much more time to cook. Why is there not a fast-health food chain? I think it would be VERY successful. Instead I am going to try to limit some of the bad foods I have but focus more on proportions as I eat way too much. No one can loose a lot of weight by just diet alone, unless that diet is beliema or anorexia. I am going to focus on going to the gym 4 times a week for at least 1 hour.

current body:


  1. Good for you! I hear soda is one of the best things to stop if you want to loose some weight. Hope all goes well for you! Just remember not all "healthy" things are expensive. Fruits and veggies can go a long ways.

  2. I have to disagree with you somewhat that diet food is expensive. It's just that it is not filling so you have to eat twice as much! Hope everything works out well. Get those girls to eat right too and hopefully they won't have to battle the same problem when they get to be adults. Good luck!

  3. Boy, you're a brave one! Nothing like a bit of peer pressure to keep you on the right track. Now you're committed and we'll be watching. Just wondering--how many calories are you burning laying on the couch multiple hours multiple times per week?

  4. Check out mypyramid.gov. I like seeing what my meals *should* look like as far as how much veggies, meat, etc. And I also love Sparkpeople.com for tracking calorie intake and exercise. Before Tom's accident, I was doing REALLY good doing the 30 day shred DVD everyday. Gonna try to start that again today. I lost about 5 lbs when he was in ICU (no appetite) that I haven't gained back yet so I'm going to keep that momentum going...LOL.

    Good luck! Who does most of the cooking at your house? It isn't more expensive to eat healthy (buy frozen veggies, or shop sales) but you just gotta relearn how to do it. Half your plate should be green veggies. You won't believe it when you go to the store and you end up with 20 produce bags.

  5. I have to disagree with you on healthy eating being more expensive, but candy tastes better than lettuce. Now you are committed and everyone has seen how much you weigh. We will be watching for those trim pictures. Don't try to lose it all the first week. No wonder your back hurts. Take it slow at first and good luck!

  6. First of all, I totally hear you on the health food is more expensive. All these guys are saying its not but if you're eating nothing but ramen and mac and cheese like I did, it sure is. I've actually found a way to make Atkins really cheap. I buy a lot of meat only on sale, I eat a lot of eggs (which are super cheap), and I stopped buying the premade bags of salad. Lettuce is so much cheaper and now that I'm dieting I eat it all. I'm only spending about $20 a week on food!!! Can you believe it!? That used to be what I spent in 1 day most days with fast food. I want to start going to the Farmer's Market on Saturdays to get my veggies even cheaper.

    Second, I noticed you said you are eating a lot of meat and not a lot of veggies currently. Maybe Atkins is something that you could do pretty easily. I can tell you I feel like a totally different person. Even one of my co-workers told me that I have a whole different glow about me. lol. Not sure what that meant I was before. lol. I have A LOT more energy and the weight really comes off fast on this diet. I'm not weighing myself really yet because I don't want to know how much I weight, but I can feel it in my pants. The last time I did Atkins (2005), I lost about 30 pounds in 6 weeks! And it was really pretty easy. Check it out online or ask dad. He lost like over 100 pounds on it. You guys have similar body types and similar tastes and eating styles so it would probably work for you, too.
