Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Time to trim the fat

Its time for me to loose, weight. I will keep everyone posted here on what I am doing and how the process is going.

Current activity level:

1 hour of football once per week.
1 hour of full court basketball 2 times per week.
laying on the couch multiple hours multiple times per week.

Current food intake:
multiple sodas, large amounts of meat, little vegetables.

Weight 293 pounds give or take (used a crappy scale)

How I feel:

I played basketball today, this is the 3rd time since Monday that I have played. Monday was really good, I had a lot of energy so my defense was good, I was hitting my shots and my post moves were unstoppable. Tuesday my lower back was in serious pain after about 1/2 of the first game. I stayed and continued to play another 2 or 3 games until I really couldn't move anymore. Today however I was very winded only moments after starting the first game. And my back hurt! I only played 1 game today and then I came home. I haven't done any weight lifting for a while, but I think tomorrow I am going to have to as for some reason my body has not healed.

I think it is going to be very hard for me to eat healthy, its too expensive, and the rest of my family dose not want to eat my healthy stuff. Also healthy foods take much more time to cook. Why is there not a fast-health food chain? I think it would be VERY successful. Instead I am going to try to limit some of the bad foods I have but focus more on proportions as I eat way too much. No one can loose a lot of weight by just diet alone, unless that diet is beliema or anorexia. I am going to focus on going to the gym 4 times a week for at least 1 hour.

current body: